
I am the Digital Humanities Librarian at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, and subject liaison to the departments of Classics, French, and Italian, and the program in Comparative Literature. At Rutgers, I lead initiatives in digital humanities—including the application of spatial and computational approaches to historical and cultural texts, and public outreach in the form of workshops, lectures, symposia, and open data crowdsourcing events. My research interests include digital libraries, audio preservation, opera and libretto studies. I lead two digital editorial projects with students: the Peter Still Edition relates to the personal papers of a formerly enslaved man, and the Correspondence of the Rutgers College War Service Bureau publishes selected letters of Rutgers alumni serving in the Great War. I have published articles in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, the International Journal on Digital Libraries, Digital Humanities Quarterly, and the Journal of Academic Librarianship. I serve on the steering committee of the Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative, and on the advisory board of Music Scholarship Online (MuSO). I earned an MS in Information Studies from UT Austin, a degree in vocal performance from the École Normale de Musique de Paris, and a BA in art history and French from Case Western Reserve University.
You can find me in my various online roosts at Zotero, Humanities Commons, ORCID, GitHub, and Bluesky.
I also sing, run, cook, and fuss over my cats.